As the old adage goes, "Old habits die hard." In this context, it's a childhood fascination for anything Harry Potter related that has lived on, after all this time. Through Aparecium, my blog, named after the charm that reveals what is written with invisible ink, I choose to talk about a variety of subjects that interest me (weekly, I hope). A word of caution though. Since existential ennui is à la mode these days and I couldn't possibly miss out on the bandwagon, while most of my writing attempts to be sensible and coherent, I do indulge in frivolity every now and then.
Culture and Contexts covers areas of personal interest and hobbies, while Flip-Flop Finance has a behavioural touch to financial and business issues. Non-specific, is, as it is named, a general opinion page about more social and worldly issues. Newsworthy?, a personal favourite, is where I go rogue, and Books and Blue Skies shows my rather shallow forays into critical appreciation and poetry. In all earnestness, I would be delighted if you'd read, comment on, and share my posts if you like them; I do try to present my opinions in a simple and engaging manner.
Happy Reading!